Blockchain Applications

The TSM lets you generate and store keys securely and sign arbitrary messages using the keys. In order to use the Builder Vault TSM as a cryptocurrency wallet, you therefore need to handle some of the additional blockchain specific tasks in your own application. This includes

  • Address Generation The raw public key can be retrieved from the TSM, but you will need to convert the public key into a Bitcoin address or similar, yourself. The address is needed to receive funds in the wallet.
  • Transaction Generation The TSM just signs messages. To transfer funds from the wallet, you need to generate a specific payload to be signed, then use the TSM to sign the payload, and finally use the signed payload to construct the final signed transaction.
  • Transaction Publishing The signed transaction must be published on the blockchain in order to transfer the funds. The TSM does not handle this.

Each blockchain comes with its own third party tools and SDKs that helps you with these tasks. In addition, you need access to a blockchain node in order to publish the signed transaction.

In this section we provide some example code, showing how these tasks can be done based on the TSM.


Using Blockdaemon's Ubiquity API

Blockdaemon offers Ubiquity, which is a universal API that helps you do these and other blockchain specific tasks in the same way across many different blockchains. The Blockdaemon Ubiquity API works well in combination with the TSM if you want to build a secure and flexible wallet.

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